Ready to collaborate with your team in Copysmith? Time to invite them!

The Professional and Enterprise plans come with a number of free seats so you can invite and collaborate with your team directly in Copysmith. Any plan type can add additional team seats to their plan!

Inviting a teammate

  1. In the left sidebar, click the Team icon and select the Team members option on the right. Shot 2022-12-09 at 1-50-40 AM-png.png?width=234&height=223&name=Screen Shot 2022-12-09 at 1-50-40 AM-png.png

  2. In the upper right, click the Invite button.

  3. Add your teammates email and select their role.

  4. Click the Send Invites button when you're ready.

Let your team member know to expect an email invite within a few minutes. They should follow the link in the email to create their account and start Copysmithing!